The implementation of Agenda 2063 has faced several challenges since its proclamation in 2013. Some of these challenges include:
  1. Limited funding: The implementation of Agenda 2063 requires significant financial resources, but funding has been inadequate. Domestic resources mobilization has been limited, and donor funding has not been sufficient to meet the needs of the agenda.
  2. Weak institutions: Weak institutions in some African countries have hampered the implementation of Agenda 2063. This includes inadequate technical capacity, weak governance systems, and insufficient human resources to drive the implementation of the agenda.
  3. Conflicting national priorities: Some African countries have competing national priorities, which sometimes conflict with the goals of Agenda 2063. This has led to a lack of political will and commitment to the implementation of the agenda.
  4. Slow implementation: The implementation of Agenda 2063 has been slow due to bureaucratic procedures, inadequate coordination, and limited accountability mechanisms.
  5. Inadequate stakeholder participation: Stakeholder participation, particularly from civil society organizations and the private sector, has been inadequate in the implementation of Agenda 2063. This has resulted in limited ownership and support for the agenda.
  6. Geopolitical tensions: Geopolitical tensions and conflicts in some African countries have affected the implementation of the agenda, particularly in conflict-affected areas where insecurity and instability hinder development.
  7. Limited regional integration: Limited progress has been made in regional integration, which is essential for the successful implementation of Agenda 2063. This includes barriers to trade, lack of infrastructure, and limited cooperation among regional economic communities.