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Dr Krisztina Konya
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Dr Krisztina Konya is the Director of Project Development at VisionAfric Development. She is an entrepreneur and International Peace Ambassador for several organizations. She is a visionary, a creative thinker, and a women’s empowerment and human rights advocate.
Dr. Krisztina Konya is an International Peace Ambassador, multi-award-winning spiritual coach, empowerment & authentic leadership coach, Ancient Crystal Healing Master Healer, and Usui Reiki Master Teacher. She is an award-winning international speaker, co-founder of Easy Step Group LTD (United Kingdom), co-founder of WE Champions International Foundation (South Africa), co-founder of Yovan International South Africa, CFO at Expressions of Humanity (USA), COO at FAVUniteTV USA, and host of the Truth Runners Talk Show.
Dr. Krisztina holds several certificates and has a bachelor’s degree in business management. Dr. Krisztina Holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Global Leadership from Revival Bible University Nigeria, accredited in USA/Australia and Europe.
She is the United Kingdom Director and Partner of the International Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre of Life – Alliance of the Peoples of the World which was established under the auspices of the Future of UNESCO Category 11 Center responsible for organizing the creation, operation, coordinating, and building a coalition of host UNESCO member states at the UN. Represented in over 175 countries globally, the mandate of the Alliance of the Peoples of the World as part of the Economic Peace Centre of Eastern Europe, the Greater Middle East, and Africa is to promote the development of Peace, Unity, Solidarity, Culture, Education, Scientific Innovation Centres, Social – Economic Development and Co-existence of peoples of the world for a sustained future of the planet.
Dr. Krisztina is profoundly passionate and believes that we are all destined for greatness and can be successful in all areas of our lives. However, the first step in achieving success is to unleash the power of self-love and to know ourselves well to understand who we are. Her mission is to encourage women to find their path toward empowerment and to hold the space for them to achieve this by giving them some of the most valuable and practical tools that helped her personally with her journey toward self-development, self-love, and growth.
Dr. Krisztina is the Director of Project Development at VisionAfric Development, and she believes that Africa is the continent of the future and that if we work together, we are stronger and we can build a bright and sustainable future. She believes that no one should be left behind and she advocates for equality, empowerment of women, and human rights.